Enda Ndungu

28 Articles Published | Follow:
Mobile Commerce Search: 3 Opportunities to Improve Product Discovery
It’s probably happened to you.  You forgot a special occasion or something you needed to buy.  The realization fills you with horror.  Time is running out, so you buy it online at the last minute,…
B2B Ecommerce Trends: How B2B Manufacturers can adopt a DTC model
B2B Ecommerce Trends: The B2B vs DTC Model
The more things change, the more they stay the same.  But do they?  Not really.  Customer expectations are evolving, and B2B (Business-to-business) Ecommerce is shifting.  B2B eCommerce sales are expected to grow by 10% annually…
Rethink post-purchase experiences by focusing on guidance, support, and gratitude.
Post-Purchase Customer Experience: 5 Ways to Improve Digital Customer Service and Support (+Drive Customer Loyalty)
You finally made the sale! Exciting, isn’t it? You’re tempted to lean back, close your eyes and relax. After all, you need the rest considering your “conversion” efforts.  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Believe it or…
Product Finder vs. Product Quiz: What’s the Difference? (+ What It Means for your Business)
Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It sounds cliche, doesn’t it?  Well, it isn’t—especially when it comes to your customers and the number of options they have.  Many eCommerce businesses struggle…
Guidelines for upgrading ecommerce search engines with site search.
Ecommerce Search Engines: 11 Guidelines for Upgrading Site Search
There’s no going back.  Global events such as the pandemic changed market dynamics emphasizing the fact that eCommerce is the future.   As an Ecommerce business, you shouldn’t take effective on-site search capability for granted.  It…
How product discovery and conversion improve with a robust visual commerce strategy.
Visual Commerce: 5 Business Opportunities to Improve Product Discovery and Conversions (+ Why It’s Important)
Imagine being stuck in traffic with nowhere to go. Everything is at a standstill. As you scroll through social media, you see the page to your favorite pizza place. You stop scrolling. The pictures on…
Learn about 7 best practices for visual configurators and how they improve CX.
Visual Configurators: 7 Best Practices For Your Business
Visual configurators are all the rage.  Okay. Maybe not for all ecommerce businesses —but they should be.  Visual or 3D configurators have a massive positive impact on user experience. But why?  The longer a buyer’s…
How to incorporate social commerce in your product discovery strategy.
Product Discovery in Social Commerce: Why You Need It (+ How to Improve and Drive Conversions)
You’ve probably done it before. A special occasion is coming up, and you don’t know exactly what to get.  All you have is an idea.  You haven’t yet figured out the specific product you want. …
Product Bundling 101: The Missing Key to Your Product Search Discovery Strategy
Peanut butter and jelly. Bacon and eggs. Macaroni and cheese.  You’re probably wondering what this is all about.  If you’re confused, don’t be.  Some things just go together.  No matter how much the world changes,…